The History of Mundesley Hospital (Tuberculosis Sanatorium) (UK)
Mundesley sanatorium was built in pre-fabricated sections made of timber, by Boulton and Paul ltd. It was the first large centre in England that had been built specifically for open-air treatment of the disease. However, due to its status as a private hospital, Mundesley could only offer treatment to wealthy patients. Mundesley had a post and telegraph office, and is was terminus of the Great Eastern, and Midland and Great Northern Railways, so that it was easily accessible from London, the Midlands, and the North.
The sanatorium was built one mile distant from the railway station, and about the same distance in a direct line from the sea. It was built on the southern slope of a hill, to protect it from the prevailing winds, while to the south an expanse of countryside, that had a view extending for several miles in that direction. The sanatorium was built on twenty-five acres of land, approached by two private roads, with no main road within a quarter of a mile to secure isolation and freedom from dust. The sanatorium was built on two levels with attic accommodation for servants. All the rooms for the use of patients faced the south, twelve bedrooms being on the upper floor and three on the ground floor.
A large dining and drawing rooms were also situated on the ground floor, and a corridor 8 ft. wide extended the whole length of the building on both floors, giving access to the rooms. Large casement windows were fitted to all the rooms, which can be opened so as to admit a maximum amount of air, and over each bedroom door there is a ventilator. The floors were covered with linoleum and the inside walls with pegamoid paper, to allow cleaning with damp cloths as to not stir up dust, most of the furniture has been specially designed with the same objective. All corners were rounded to prevent dust accumulation. Fresh air formed an important part of the treatment for tuberculosis, with many hospitals using open windows and balconies.
Before the Industrial Revolution, folklore often associated tuberculosis (TB) with vampires. When one member of a family died from it, the other infected members would lose their health slowly. People believed this was caused by the original person with TB draining the life from the other family members.
Due to the variety of its symptoms, TB was not identified as a single disease until the 1820s, and was not named tuberculosis until 1839 by Dr J. L. Schönlein.
During 1838–1845, Dr. John Croghan, the owner of Mammoth Cave, brought a number of people with tuberculosis into the cave in the hope of curing the disease with the constant temperature and purity of the cave air; they died within a year.
Dr Hermann Brehmer opened the first TB sanatorium on the second of July 1859 in Poland, for the treatment of tuberculosis. Patients were exposed to plentiful amounts of high altitude, fresh air, and good nutrition. Tuberculosis sanatoria became common throughout Europe from the late 19th century onwards. The rationale for sanatoria was that before antibiotic treatments existed, a regimen of rest and good nutrition offered the best chance that the sufferer’s immune system would “wall off” pockets of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) infection.
The bacillus causing tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, was identified and described on 24 March 1882 by Robert Koch. He received the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1905 for this discovery. Koch did not believe the bovine (cattle) and human tuberculosis diseases were similar, which delayed the recognition of infected milk as a source of infection. Later, the risk of transmission from this source was dramatically reduced by the invention of the pasteurisation process. Koch announced a glycerine extract of the tubercle bacilli as a “remedy” for tuberculosis in 1890, calling it ‘tuberculin’. While it was not effective, it was later successfully adapted as a screening test for the presence of presymptomatic tuberculosis.
The reluctance to adopt the open-air treatment in Britain is undoubted, many different factors were involved. There was some satisfaction and hope in the progressive year-by-year drop in the mortality rate from tuberculosis, which fell from 3239 per million in 1861-70 to 2429 per million in 1881-90. The clinicians were aware that it was in no way due to their activities, there was still a widespread and strong belief in the merits of climate, the fickle British climate being regarded as unsuitable.
An exaggerated fear of draughts and chills led to closed windows and stuffy, over-heated rooms for patients. ‘All social classes were prejudiced against fresh air, and their prejudices were not without foundation. First, on quasi-medical grounds that are still with us, there was the fear of draughts: the draughts would produce the great British chill, an affliction unknown to the rest of the civilised world’ (Dr Anne Hardy). There was, however, no need for the patient with tuberculosis to fear a cold draught.
Indeed, Dr William Farr (1807-1883) had pointed out in 1865 that ‘Phthisis differs essentially in its pathological products, in its complications, and in its fluctuations from bronchitis. For example, the mortality from bronchitis is immediately doubled, or trebled, by a depression of the temperature of the air, while deaths from phthisis exhibit little variation’.
Possibly the daunting magnitude of the problem was the major factor. According to Dr J W Moore (1845-1947), ‘In a week every bed in every hospital in the United Kingdom might be filled with consumptives, and even then thousands upon thousands might be left without hospital accommodation, so wide-spread is the plague of phthisis’. Dr J A Lindsay, writing in 1897, calculated that a quarter of a million persons were suffering from phthisis in the British Isles.
Few believed that open-air treatment could be tolerated throughout the year in Britain. However, Dr R W Philip (1857-1939) published a table showing the hours spent each day in the open by 35 individual patients during the months of February, March and April 1899, together with the daily hours of sunshine, at the Victoria Hospital in Edinburgh. This showed decisively that, even in Edinburgh in the winter months, it was not merely feasible but surprisingly popular amongst patients, once they had experienced it and overcome their prejudice.

Six to ten hours in the open was not uncommon. Dr Frederick William Burton-Fanning’s experience was similar: ‘fortunately the first contingent of patients soon manifested remarkable improvement and satisfied themselves that their strength, appetite and spirits were increased by the open-air life. Newcomers have been taken in hand by the older patients and now the difficulty is to get them indoors at all’. Dr J H Walker found ‘… the general result, extending over several years and embracing in all 78 cases is encouraging, and presents features of hopefulness, even in advanced phthisis, which a few years ago would have seemed quite beyond the bounds of possibility’. The ideal patient would have a short history and few signs of toxicity. Just how long it would be necessary to be an inpatient remained to be discovered. It would certainly be more than the two or so months generally allowed at that time; Burton-Fanning thought a year might be needed.

Dr F W Burton-Fanning (1863-1937) was educated at Winchester and at University College Hospital, becoming M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. in 1885. He won the gold medal in medicine and became house-physician to Dr. Wilson-Fox at University College Hospital. After three years’ residence as house-physician at Addenbrooke’s hospital he became M.B., and later M.D., of Cambridge. In 1891 he was appointed physician to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital.
He visited the Continent frequently and was influenced in fresh-air treatment by Dr W R Huggard of Davos and Dr M G Foster of San Remo. In 1895 he began the “Open-air Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis ” at the Fletcher Convalescent Home at Cromer.

He pointed out that the 24 patients in his 1898 report (which appeared in the Larncet) had had a less than satisfactory application of the open-air method in that there was no resident doctor (he visited once a week or fortnight) and that their diet was less than desirable. Furthermore, since the trial was conducted in a convalescent home, the length of stay was restricted. Nevertheless, his results were better than anything he had achieved before and tubercle bacilli had been eliminated from the sputum of 2 of the 23 originally sputum-positive patients. He opened the first purpose-built sanatorium for the open-air treatment in England at Mundesley, on the North Sea coast of Norfolk, with his cousin Dr. W. J. Fanning in October 1899.
In 1905, Burton-Fanning’s book on Open Air Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberidosi; was published by Cassells. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London in the following year, he was honorary secretary of the Section of Medicine at the Ipswich meeting in 1900, and became vice-president of the same Section at the Cambridge meeting twenty years later.
Mundesley sanatorium was built in pre-fabricated sections made of timber, by Boulton and Paul ltd. It was the first large centre in England that had been built specifically for open-air treatment of the disease. However, due to its status as a private hospital, Mundesley could only offer treatment to wealthy patients. Mundesley had a post and telegraph office, and is was terminus of the Great Eastern, and Midland and Great Northern Railways, so that it was easily accessible from London, the Midlands, and the North.
The sanatorium was built one mile distant from the railway station, and about the same distance in a direct line from the sea. It was built on the southern slope of a hill, to protect it from the prevailing winds, while to the south an expanse of countryside, that had a view extending for several miles in that direction. The sanatorium was built on twenty-five acres of land, approached by two private roads, with no main road within a quarter of a mile to secure isolation and freedom from dust. The sanatorium was built on two levels with attic accommodation for servants.
All the rooms for the use of patients faced the south, twelve bedrooms being on the upper floor and three on the ground floor. A large dining and drawing rooms were also situated on the ground floor, and a corridor 8 ft. wide extended the whole length of the building on both floors, giving access to the rooms. Large casement windows were fitted to all the rooms, which can be opened so as to admit a maximum amount of air, and over each bedroom door there is a ventilator.
The floors were covered with linoleum and the inside walls with pegamoid paper, to allow cleaning with damp cloths as to not stir up dust, most of the furniture has been specially designed with the same objective. All corners were rounded to prevent dust accumulation. Fresh air formed an important part of the treatment for tuberculosis, with many hospitals using open windows and balconies.

A verandah ran along the whole southern part of the building, where patients could lie out on long cane chairs, and shelters. each held two to four patients, and were provided near the house in which they could recline when the wind blows from the south. Originally at Mundesley, there were also a number of moveable wooden huts in the grounds, looking rather like summer houses on wheels, in which patients could spend all day (and all night if deemed necessary) in the fresh air without facing into the wind.
The building was lit electrically, this extended to the verandah and the shelters, to enable maximum time in the fresh air. The sanatorium was centrally heating using radiators with some rooms having open fireplaces. Water was pumped from a deep well extending into the chalk, and was laid on all over the building. The Norfolk coast was selected for the open-air treatment, as was thought its air extremely bracing and clear, it had a large amount of sunshine and very small rainfall. These were the ideal climatic requirements for good health as they were thought to deter catarrh and feeble circulation. Dr. W. J. Fanning the resident medical officer at the sanatorium, and Burton-Fanning (chief physician and founder) visited at least once a week.
There was also a matron, who looked after the patients and the housekeeping. The weekly charge was fixed at £5 5s, this did not include personal laundry, alcohol, or extra nursing if required.
Mundesley promoted itself as ‘health resort’, of sorts, where tuberculosis sufferers could rest and recuperate, alongside receiving treatment. For those who could manage it, active participation in a range of convalescent activities seemed to be encouraged. The hospital organised outdoor games and occasional light sports contests between patients and staff. At Mundesley sanatorium a point was made of weighing all the food eaten and prescribing the amount of the different food stuffs according to the condition of the patient and the exercise he takes.

A golf course was established by Burton-Fanning, who happened to be an avid golfer, in 1901. It was designed with the help of one of the sport’s legends, 6-times Open winner Harry Vardon (1870–1937) and built on the rolling hillside of the River Mun valley. This was designed as a form of gentle exercise for the patients of the sanatorium.
In 1903 Harry Vardon was diagnosed with tuberculosis. His doctors made discreet and immediate inquires for Harry to enter Mundesley sanatorium. Dispensing with their length waiting list, Burton-Fanning, admitted Harry at once. Celebrity status affords many privileges, not all of the deserved. On this occasion the goodwill Harry’s reputation gave him probably saved his life. Mundesely was England’s forefront and most expensive treatment centre. Harry travelled with a private nurse and as ordered by Burton-Fanning, left his golf clubs at home. His room had a view of the golf course, he was denied all visitors and the only activity that was allowed was light reading.

For the first three weeks, Harry was confined to his bed, the thought behind the cessation of physical activity was the reduction of oxygen consumption, enabling lung tissues damaged by the diseased bacteria to heal. Once he relented to the illness he would sleep for twelve hours a day, spending his waking hours gazing out at the beautiful surroundings. By the second month, he was allowed to leave his bed for an hour a day, this would find him out of breath after fifty paces. As each week passed the doctors would allow him another hour on his feet, which meant he was able to withstand card games on the porch, read books in the library and take turns at the billiard table. In the third month Harry insisted on dressing each morning and taking his meals with the other patients in the dining room. Despite his fame, he was an equal amongst the other patients, encouraging them to keep faith in their treatments.

He soon realised that the world was forgetting about him, he was not expected to survive. As month four passed, his appetite and strength was returning, he was allowed to walk in the grounds, often walking to the golf course. One day he had spotted a large wooden chalet hidden in the woods and discovered that this was where the most seriously ill patients were housed. With permission of the nursing staff he was allowed to visit these patients, most children in their teens. He kept them company during the separation from their families.
In the fifth month, Harry asked to borrow a club from Burton-Fanning, and with that he took his first stroke with a golf club in half a year. Unfortunately the illness had irreversibly damaged the nerves in his right wrist, and aggravation of a bone broken a long time ago, which lead to uncontrollable tremors . He would often spend time on the green, calling on his old practice disciplines determined to find a way around this disability. Christmas was celebrated with champagne and an elaborate dinner as a gift to his new friends in the sanatorium.

To boost morale, he would organise supervised outings to nearby towns and seafronts. Whilst recuperating in 1904, still at the sanatorium, he ventured along the lane which bisects the course to enjoy a round of golf. Here he experienced his only career hole-in-one, on what is now the sixth, a feat which no doubt contributed to the success of his convalescence.
In 1902, the generosity of some friends enabled the Kelling sanatorium to be built for the treatment of patients of the poorer classes, and the medical direction was undertaken by Burton-Fanning and Dr. W. J. Fanning. Commencing with ten beds this sanatorium, of which Burton-Fanning has continued to act as consulting physician, now contains 150 beds. It was there that the ‘revolving shelter’ was designed and introduced. This was funded by the fees collected from Mundesley sanatorium.

In a general meeting on the 2 August 1904, following a preliminary meeting on the 16 July 1904 , Mr. H. Harper Smith, of the Old Bank of England court, Queen-street, Norwich was appointed liquidator of Mundesley sanatorium Ltd as the company entered voluntary insolvency.
Dr Sydney Vere Pearson, returned to Britain in 1905, following sanatorium treatment in Germany. He was a physician who specialised in tuberculosis and became and became Medical Superintendent of Mundesley sanatorium. Pearson had obtained an MA and MD from Cambridge and MRCP from London, but his career as a consulting physician was curtailed by a severe bout of pulmonary tuberculosis, which lead to his treatment in Germany. He built the business up with the help of increasing government support for sanatorium treatment.
He continued to run the Mundesley sanatorium until after the Second World War, he chaired numerous TB-related committees at local and national level, including the Joint Tuberculosis Council of Great Britain, and wrote extensively on aspects of TB cause and cure.

Leslie William Green (6 February 1875—31 August 1908) contracted tuberculosis and died at the sanatorium. He was an English architect. Best known for his design of iconic stations constructed on the London Underground railway system in central London during the first decade of the 20th century, with distinctive ox-blood red tiled façade including pillars and semi-circular first-floor windows, and patterned tiled interiors.
Although a sanatorium based on ‘fresh air and rest’ was not a new concept in the treatment of TB, new techniques in treating the disease were pioneered at Mundesley sanatorium. In 1910, Dr Claude Lillingstone (1881-1960), joined Mundesley sanatorium. He had studied medicine at Cambridge, where he was at Pembroke College, and St. Mary’s Hospital. Graduating in medicine in 1906, he proceeded M.D. in 1919. Not long after holding the post of resident obstetrical officer at his teaching hospital, he developed pulmonary tuberculosis and was treated in a sanatorium in Norway, where an artificial pneumothorax was induced.

When Lillingston returned to England he became an exponent of the method (improving the apparatus available at the time), and held appointments at the Berkshire and Buckinghamshire Joint sanatorium and at the Mundesley sanatorium. It was when Dr Claude Lillingstone became a physician at Mundesley, that he introduced the practice of artificial pneumothorax as a treatment for tuberculosis, having undergone the treatment himself in Norway, he performed the first artificial pneumothorax operation in England.
His health, however, gave rise to some anxiety, and he decided to live abroad and earn what he could by writing articles and reviews for medical journals. For many years he contributed annotations to this journal, commenting on various aspects of the Scandinavian medical scene. He was also the author of a novel which had euthanasia as its theme. For a time he lived in Paris, working for the League of Red Cross Societies, but he returned to Norway before the second world war, and was there during the German occupation. Under the provisions of the 1911 National Insurance Act, Mundesley sanatorium continued to increase viability as business.
In August, 1914, Burton-Fanning was called up for service as major R.A.M.C.T. in the 1st Eastern General Hospital at Cambridge. Subsequently, when No. 55 General Hospital was organised at Cambridge he went out with it to France, to Ambleleuse, as officer in charge of the medical division, being promoted lieutenant-colonel.
In 1920, Marks Gertler, a british painter (1891 – 1939) was diagnosed with tuberculosis, which forced him to enter Mundesley sanatorium on a number of occasions during 1925, 1929 and 1936.
Dr. Geoffrey Lucas (1875-1929) became a resident physician at Mundesley sanatorium in 1921. He received his medical education at Cambridge and St. George’s Hospital. He obtained the diploma L.S.A. in 1903, and graduated M.D.Durh. in 1919. After landing the appointments of assistant and senior house-physician at the Westminster Hospital he served with the Orient Steam Navigation Company from 1904 to 1906. He then started to practise in Ringwood, became medical officer of health there, and developed an interest in tuberculosis, which led him to being associated as physician with the Nordrach sanatorium, 1909 to 1921, with the exception of the war period.

From 1916 to 1917 he was physician to the first Scottish General Hospital, and subsequently consulting physician for diseases of the chest to the North-East Scottish Command. He was assistant to the professor of medicine at the University of Aberdeen in 1917-18, and, holding a commission in the R.A.M.C., was for a time at No. 11 Stationary Hospital, B.E.F.
During 1923 a large extension was built on right south east corner of the wooden building, and a smaller single storey extension on the east side.
Sir Gordon Richards (5 May 1904 – 10 November 1986) was admitted into the sanatorium in May 1926, making a full recovery by December. He was an English jockey and became the British flat racing Champion Jockey 26 times and often being considered the world’s greatest ever jockey. Today he remains the only jockey to have been knighted. Whilst at the sanatorium he met a gentleman by the name of Bill Rowell, a fellow patient. Rowell was older than the young Richards, but he was to have a great influence on his life.

Thomas Ownsworth Garland (1903–1993), contracted tuberculosis in 1928 and was confined to the sanatorium, despite almost dying from the disease, he went on to be known as New Zealand’s pioneer in occupational medicine.
On the 30 September 1928 the partnership of medical practitioners changed at the sanatorium, seeing Geoffrey Lucas leaving and, Sidney Vere Pearson and Leonard Whittaker Sharp(1883-1953) being joined by Andrew John Morland. Also in the same year Burton-Fanning become consulting physician at the age of 65, for the Norfolk and Norwich hospital, becoming chairman of the board of management of the hospital in 1931, he was also consulting physician to several district and cottage hospitals in Norfolk.

Dr. Andrew John Morland (1896-1957), joined the staff at Mundesley bringing with him knowledge from current tuberculosis treatments from overseas. While at Sidcot School, in Somerset, he developed tuberculosis, for the treatment of which he went to Switzerland. When he had recovered he continued his education at the University of Lausanne. During the first world war he had worked for a time with the Friends Ambulance Unit in France, until his health again gave cause for concern. He then determined to become a doctor and trained at University College Hospital Medical School, graduating M.B., B.S. (with honours and distinction in medicine) in 1923. After holding a resident post at the Brompton Hospital he went back again to Switzerland as medical superintendent of the Palace sanatorium at Montana, before arriving at Mundesley sanatorium. A recognised authority on tuberculosis, he was at one time on the editorial board of Tubercle and was the author of a book entitled ‘Pulmonary Tuberculosis in General Practice’ (1932).
He was a member of the council of the National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis and of the executive committee of the International Union against Tuberculosis. He became known widely because of his invention of the artificial pneumothorax needle, which bears his name.

Morland became great friends with Marks Gertler whilst treating him at the sanatorium and through this was further recommended to D H Lawrence. He travelled to Bandol with his wife to take their winter holiday in the south of France that year and visited Lawrence in mid-January 1930. He recommended that he be treated ‘Ad Astra’ sanatorium at Venice, Lawrence’s treatment wasn’t as Morland would have carried out or had been lead to believe. After one month in the sanatorium, Lawrence checked himself out and died the following day. Morland left Mundesley in 1935, having been appointed physician to the French Hospital.
James Courage, (1903 –1963) contracted tuberculosis in 1931, and was confined until November 1933 in Mundesley sanatorium. It was while he was in Mundesley that his first novel, One House (1933), was published. Only 1100 copies were released by Victor Gollancz and, although it was reviewed in several publications including The Times Literary Supplement, it made little impact and today copies of it are very rare.

Dr. George Day became medical superintendent of Mundesley sanatorium in 1935, where he learnt the importance of morale and “spirit” for recovery and developed psychological insights that he put to good use in the Royal Army Medical Corps during the war, helping shell shocked soldiers to recover. At that time the sanatorium could accommodate 80 patients. Treatment cost five guineas a week or six or seven guineas for rooms of a higher quality.
This short film was recorded by Day.

“A therapeutic overhaul is the reverse of the ordinary physical examination in that one is seeking good rather than evil things, glad tidings and not bad news. Every system is impressively examined and gets an honourable mention whenever possible. “Your kidneys are behaving like perfect little gentlemen”, “That’s a good strong heart you’ve got. It will last out your time”, “Your x-rays showed a flawless pair of lungs, what’s more, they work” “Your low ESR rules out any progressive active disease process anywhere”
This was a very effective way of finding out the root of lots of anxieties and often resulted in lots of ‘symptoms’ evaporating.
During 1938 Dr (Alice) Josephine Mary Taylor Barnes (1912–1999) (made Dame in 1974), joined the sanatorium to assist Pearson, pioneer of the artificial pneumothorax. She worked in the sanatorium for two months, in Pathology and also taking x-rays. She lived on site, and like the others, was ‘on call’ whilst not at work. She received no monetary payment, but board and lodgings was provided for free.
During World War II, Mundesley sanatorium temporarily moved to Cheshire, only returning to Gimingham after hostilities had ceased. The golf course was also reduced to nine holes when land was required for wartime farming, which was very important in that era.
In the late 1940’s, huge advancements regarding the treatment of tuberculosis and a potential cure were made. After 1943, when Albert Schatz, then a graduate student at Rutgers University, discovered streptomycin, an antibiotic and the first cure for tuberculosis, sanatoria began to close.

By the fifties, convalescent treatment for the disease was deemed unnecessary and in 1957 the sanatorium was officially adopted by the National Health Service, with the backing of the East Anglian Regional Hospital Board.
When Mundesley Hospital became a convalescence and rehabilitation unit in 1960 Day continued as medical director. He made it his aim to enable patients to discover, by increasing activity, how well they could become so that they went home full of confidence founded on actual experience. The philosophy of his team was to help people stop being patients, and he strongly opposed keeping them in uncertainty and in the role of patient by unnecessary follow up or exhortations to be careful. He retired in 1965.
25 July 1973 saw the erection of remedial treatment block. The physiotherapy department was built in 1975, followed by the rehabilitation unit in 1977 and the construction of a sewerage pumping station in 1979. In the early 1980s, permission was granted for the construction of a physiotherapy unit to the west of the original building.

At the time of its closure in 1992 it was in used as a rehabilitation unit with facilities including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, remedial gymnastics and speech therapy.
After falling into disrepair, the Mundesley Sanatorium was purchased by Adapt Ltd and underwent a huge refurbishment in 1997 and was re-opened as the ‘Diana Princess of Wales Treatment Centre for Drug and Alcohol Problems’. Adapt Ltd. engaged Richard Lyon and Associates to carry out a feasibility scheme, prior to purchase of this site, for conversion to form a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre. After a successful bid for the site, and after an extensive regional fund raising campaign, the project proceeded. It took around £1 million and 34 weeks to refurbish this site.

Due to a lack of funding however, administrators were called in during summer 2008 and the clinic was closed in 2009. Receivers had to find new places for the 19 patients being treated there. The centre was bought late that year by homeopathic practitioner Eveline Herzer but did not reopen and went back on the market the following summer with a £1.3m guide price.
The old hospital remains standing in the original site at Gimingham, due to its current status as a Grade II listed building.

Current Situation & Summary
The council have outlined the ways in which the site can be changed and how it must not change. The mature woodland and ‘parkland setting’ must be retained. The restoration of the pavilion has been labelled as desirable. The two storey brick building on site may be converted to residential or holiday flats, as it is deemed too large for a single residence. The brick ‘dormitory style’ building that is linked to the main hospital via a passage over the road, is the most visible of all. This building is most suited an institutional use, alternative uses will be considered. The bridge which provides passage can be removed if necessary. The original timber building constructed in 1899 is undoubtedly the most attractive and interesting part of the hospital.
The building can be seen through the foreground trees as an imposing white building from the distance. At close range it presents a charming ‘colonial-style’ building set in attractive surroundings. It would be difficult to extend this building without detracting from its existing character. It should therefore be retained in its current form, although restoration work may be required. It is essential that a viable use is found if the structure, which is primarily of wood, is not to deteriorate rapidly. It is recommended that the physiotherapy block is to be demolished as it is undesirable in comparison the the main hospital. It is also suggested that within the existing ‘footprint’ a building in sympathetic design could be constructed.
The timber buildings in the woodland behind the hospital can be demolished, this includes the ‘convalescent chalets’. The bungalows on site are to be used for permanent or holiday accommodation, with vehicular access also given.
Updated 22/08/2018
The former Mundesley tuberculosis hospital is now fully operational and called the “The Southern Hill Hospital”. Southern Hill Hospital provides assessment, care and treatment to people who are experiencing their first episode of mental health symptoms, and to those experiencing long term and enduring mental illness, supporting them in their journey to recovery. Details available here.
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[…] We have researched the full history of this place, available here […]
I did a university paper on Mundesley and my father was a former patient. I was told all the archives were lost. Is this not the case? I would be grateful if I could contact the author of this report. Dr. Kate Baker.
Kate, Hi
There are very few records available at the Norfolk Records Office (NRO), mainly we could only see the following
File of receipted bills to Sanatorium Library account H4/3 1949-1957
Notes by Dr. George Day on the murals in the main lounge and billiard room of the Sanatorium H4/5 [?1970s]
File of correspondence, accounts and subscription list re presentation to Dr. Evan C. Wynne Edwards and Dr. G. H. Day on the dissolution of their partnership H4/6 1957
We were also unable to find authoritative record holdings in any other record office in the UK. Would be interested in reading your paper.
Kind regards,
Fascinating…. my mum was an inpatient convalescing after having an operation at the Norwich & Norwich Hospital….. possibly during the late 1960’s as I was a child visiting her with my sister and foster parents.
Hi, I am part of a paranormal investigator team and would like to gain access to this building, can anyone tell me who I would need to contact please.
We are a serious group and very respectful of the property we investigate.
Kind regards
My grandfather was a patient during the 1920’s and we would be interested in finding out what year. Are there any patient records left remaining? He had TB of the hip and he told stories of how he recalled brushing snow off his bed after being outdoors for fresh air treatment.
My parents met here in 1952. My father had been diagnosed with TB and my mother was a nurse at ‘The San’. They fell in love and once my Dad was better moved to Manchester. Both lived into their seventies. My wife and I visited the place in 2012….it was quite remarkable to be in a place that had not only saved my old man’s life, but brought my parents together…(Oh…and my mother was sacked from there for cohabiting with a patient after they’d got married !!)
How wonderful
Dr William Joseph Fanning , who established the sanitorium in 1899 together with his first cousin Dr F.W. Burton-Fanning , is my great grandfather. During a recent sort out of old family documents , letters , etc , I came across several photos of the sanatorium just after it opened. I can scan and email if anyone is interested.
Amazing you found this, I’ll be in touch via email.
Kind regards,
My father an later that year contracted TB I can’t for the life ov me remember wer he went aged 2. He’s now nearly 50. An my father died years ago. But not frm tb. Can I find out which sanatorium my son went too for the fresh air they sed for a year I believe we lived hackney at the time 1972
My father was treated for TB at Holt Sanitarium after returning from RAF service in the Middle East. I believe he stayed at Holt periodically from 1948 to 1954. He is 87 yrs old, lives in an Aged Care Home in Sydney, Australia & has recently lost his wife of 63 yrs. He is in the early stages of dementia. On looking through some photo albums there were a couple of photos from those years, which prompted some conversation – he was reluctant to talk about his time there when we were young. (A legacy of that time was that we were not allowed to wear dressing gowns to watch TV – they were not allowed outside of our bedrooms!) I am interested in learning more, in part to help Dad talk about this time if he wishes. Are you able to direct me to further information please? Thank you, Kathryn
Hi James,
We would love to receive copies of anything relating to the sanatorium as we are currently piecing together some history of the site.
We are now Southern Hill Hospital, an adult acute psychiatric unit and our patients and visitors are often asking us about the history.
Anything you are able to share would be much appreciated.
Thanks and regards
Sue Bland
Southern Hill Hospital
Hi Sue,
i worked at Mundesley when it was a drug and alcohol unit in the 2000’s.
Gimingham community centre, j think has a tapestry that shows the history of the hospital. especially the older parts of it. the old huts in the woods, that are still there were for live in servants in the 1930′ s and 1940’s
Dear Sue
I have just written a book Dorothy Morland: Making ICA History (Liverpool University Press, 2020) which includes information about Mundsley Sanatorium and Andrew J Morland, the doctor there during the 1950s and his wife Dorothy. Their son was born there, and it contains information about the artist Mark Gertler who was his patient.
Kind Regards,
Anne Massey
Dear James,
I’d like to get in contact with you about your great grandfather’s time in Australia, I’m currently undertaking some research about a property he managed
Best Iain
My Mom was a patient at the hospital in the late 40’s or early 50’s. She had TB in her lung and dr day removed her Lung. She’s still alive today and is 88 years old. My Family holiday in Mundesley annually feeling attached to the place…
Hi ,my Mum was at Mundsley from 1952 to 1957 and she had a lung removed. She is still alive ,is 84 lives in Scotland and is visiting me on Marco Island Florida as I write. We would love to hear more. Best , GP. Her name then was Margaret May Wheatley. Also I met a lady here 10yrs ago whose mum was a matron there. . contact info thx GP.
So many of us exist for the excellent work carried out there
My Mother has died now but she lived to 90. I have photos of the Hospital from the time-how do I post them here?
Hi Barbara,
Can you contact me via the Contact page on this site please? Would be great to see these photos.
[…] The History of Mundesley Hospital (Tuberculosis Sanatorium … – The History of Mundesley Hospital (Tuberculosis Sanatorium) (UK) Mundesley sanatorium was built in pre-fabricated sections made of timber, by Boulton and Paul ltd…. […]
i’m a mental health nurse who worked at the “diana” when it was a drug and alcohol treatment centre. I was actually the last nurse who nursed the last patient before it closed. I worked there for three and a half years until it closed and as agency staff on and off for probably two years before that. I loved working there and have very happy memories f my time there.
I have heard that during world war 2 there were tunnels running from the hospital to the gun emplacements at Mundesley and that some of the tunnels still have old equipment left in them. I believe the tunnels were built to ferry any injured men to the hospital from the emplacements. Would love to know if this is true. Thank you
Hi Patricia. I’ve heard the same reports from several people. I’ve also heard that the tunnels are connected to what used to be the Hotel Continental and developed when it was taken over in the war. I have contact details to follow this up in the summer so I’ll post what I find.
Kind regards,
My mother Alicia Tannam lived on the Trunch Rd in Newlands and told me the “san” had its own poultry farm on the Gimingham Mundesley Rd and own market garden.
She ran a boarding house and told me families visiting patients used to stay with her.
She also said that anyone working at the hospital had to have had TB and recovered from it-true or not I don’t know.
I remember Doc Day, his wife and son.
Your mother Alicia Tannam has a good memory, but with the passage of years, perhaps not quite accurate.
There was a poultry farm on the Trunch road that supplied eggs and chickens to the “San”, but it was an independent operation owned and run by John Roberts. I do not know whether it still exists – probably not.
There was indeed a market garden in the grounds of the San, run by a Mundesley greengrocer Jack ?, It is highly possible that the men working in the market garden were San employees, as the San employed many people other than medical staff to maintain the property. It had its own piggery where the inhabitants would consume the leftovers from the kitchens.
The original idea of the San was for it to be as self-sufficient as possible, and aside from its own bore hole for drinking water it had its own sewerage disposal system,
And it is not correct that people working at the San needed to have had TB and recovered from it. That may have been the case in the early days, but since the advent of antibiotics, and vaccination with BCG, this was not the case.
And I am glad that you remember Doctor Day, his wife and son. Mrs Phyllis Day died in December 1988 and her husband George died in April 1989. Their son – writing this – is still alive and well and living in West Sussex.
My father Lewis William Wells was in the Sanatorium in aprox 1938-39
Are there any records of patients He was taken to London to be operated
om for partial lung removal.
Rosemary Wells Robinson Florida USA
MY Uncle – my father’s brother – Algie O’Neill was there at the same time a your father.
I will try and do a search for records. Although I live in Dublin, Ireland.
My father Richard (Dick) Measures talked of being there in the 1930’s and sleeping out on the veranda. Thank you for this page.
I came across one of the revolving huts used in the grounds of the hospital for TB patients, at Walcott House. and then more recently at Bolwick Hall.
Norman Marchington. 15 2 1925
I was at the Mundesley in 1944 when it was the HQ, 213 Infantry Brigade. The grounds were used for training of the men on assault courses.
Contact regarding letters signed by W Fanning
Hi David Baker,
MY grandfather was a patient at Mundesley in 1913 until 1915.
I am shortly producing a document about his life and would really appreciate
being able to reproduce an early photo of the sanatorium.
Can you help me?
Being a grandchild of Sydney Vere Pearson, it is interesting to read his professional activities at Mundesley Sanatorium
My Grandmother passed away aged 24 years, in 1919.
I cannot find any Death or Burial Notices any where, in
All I know was she passed away from Tuberculosis, so I
thought it might be a “Shot in the Dark,” to see if she
might have been sent to Mundesley Sanatorium, to recover.
Are there any Patient, Death Records or where patients
were buried, existing anywhere. I find it impossible to
believe some Records, just don’t exist.
Florence Kate Paterson – Albery
Birth: 1897
10 Hambrook Road, Anns Hill U.D.
Alderstoke, Hampshire. Surrey N.E. England
Passed Away 1919 Age: 24 years
10 Hambrook Road Anns Hill U.D. Surrey N.E. England
SPOUSE Florence Kate’s Florence Kate’s
Edward Bucklitsch Paterson Father —————- Mother
Greenock. Renfrew. Scotland Edmund Henrietta
Birth: 12th Oct. 1890 Albery Albery Ne: Albray
Marriage: 9th Oct. 1915
Sussex ,England Hampshire, England
1869 – 1942 1872 – 1944
Dar Shirley Bonning, I know, from her telling me, that my mother was a patient in Mundsley in late 1930’s. I too would like to know if there are any patient records, as I am writing a book about her life and it would be good to know exactly when she was there. I have one photograph of her with a friend she made while there, but it was taken on a trip out towards the end of her time there and I can’t seem to date it. Did you access any records. My email address, which is only used for information regarding this book (not the one posted below which i understand will not be published)
I would love to hear from you if you have any information as to where I could access these records.
Hi Shirley, I’ve recently been putting an Albray website together as my wife’s maiden name was Albray. Her grandfather was Edwin James Albray (also known as Edward James), he was the youngest sibling of Henrietta. I see you have a DNA match with my wife on Ancestry DNA. It would be great to hear from you. Kind regards, Jon
I was a patient from feb 1998 to sept 1998
I was there for heroin addiction loved the place I didn’t want to leave the staff were amazing. And the house was mesmerising
And yes 20 years on I’m still clean and drug free. with a family life is good.
Congratulations Roy, well done to you
Does anyone remember a patient named Ricky-he was from Birchington, kent. My Mother often spoke about him. I’m not entirely sure of what years but around 1948.
Barbara Cook
Hi Barbara, I’ve only just found this website – amazing.
I think we met a few years ago when I came to see your mum?
I certanly knew Ricky and a lovely chap he was.
Peter Lindsley
Hi Peter
Indeed i remember you visiting my Mother-she loved seeing all the photographs. And chatting about the hospital. xx
Hi Dave, I sent you an email a few weeks ago but have not heard back from you, hope you are OK?
I have a large collection of photos and video of Mundesley San mostly from 1955, the vdeo being more recent of course.
Best wishes, Peter
Hi Peter
Again-Im hopefully coming to Norfolk sometime October -would be great to drop by and grab a coffee together.
Hi Barbara, only just seen this note from you. Feb 2020.
You are most welcome to call in and have a coffee and a chat. I live in West Runton, between Cromer and Sheringham. I’m in the phonebook so please give me a call.
I have recently completed sorting out all my photos, this took ages!
Best wishes, Peter
Hi peter
I will be in touch when the madness of Covid is over.
Barbara Cook
Hi Barbara, just had my 81st birthday, but am still doing quite well.
I look forward to hearing from you when this lock-down is behind us – I hope.
I visited the old San last year when Sylvia came over from France to visit me. She too was a TB patient there which is how we first met.
Best wishes, Peter
My grandfather – Dr John Yerbury Dent was treated successfully at Mundesley 1913-15. He wrote about it in his memoirs a reference which later resurfaced in a book ‘the naked lunch’ by one of his patients, William S Burroughs.
The legacy of Mundesley is indeed rich and varied.
My father worked at Mundesley Hospital for 18 months in 1968 and 1969, and we lived in the Doctor’s Bungalow at the top of the hill, between the old hospital building and the golf course. I was about 11 years old at the time, and have forgotten so much of that time, but I remember the place with fondness.
You had to be careful around the bungalow – an occasional gold ball could suddenly whizz past your head, and the woods behind the bungalow were full of new, old and rotting golf balls hidden in the bracken – my brother and I loved finding the really old golf balls, which had split apart, as we could look inside to see how they were made.
The hill on which the bungalow stood (and perhaps still stands?) was home to a huge rabbit warren, but try as we might, my brother ( a couple of years younger) and I never managed to catch a rabbit. We tried pretty hard to dig our way into the multiple warren entrances, until our father told us to stop digging.
Not having a piano at home, the hospital allowed me to practice and play piano in the hospital – it looked remarkably like the piano in the photograph in the article above, but I can’t be sure. I must have been a pretty good pianist for my age, because – remarkably – no one in the hospital ever complained about my playing, and the nurses and the matron always gave me lots of compliments. Apparently they even enjoyed it when I practiced my scales! I believed them at the time, hmmm. The piano was kept in a small side room of the main hospital building, the windows facing south. -The piano was always in tune, so there must have been someone in the hospital who arranged for it to be tuned often.
In the wooded area North East of the main hospital building, there were several little wooden huts. One of them was of particular interest to me and my brother, as it contained a full size table tennis table, which we made use of to our heart’s content. The hut was almost overgrown by trees and thick bracken:- just getting there felt like a jungle adventure.
In the winter, thick snow would cover the flat landscape and disguise the edges of roads. These were very angular, with sharp 90 degree corners, and it was quite easy to accidentally end up in a field. Thick fogs would sometimes descend on these roads, especially near the river, and even though I’m familiar with the fogs in Thames Valley area, I can’t recall a fog more impenetrable than the white soup which would cover the road from the hospital towards Trunch. It seemed so magical and otherworldly.
In the summer, the glories of the Mundesley Hospital garden would show themselves, there were hundreds of mature hydrangea bushes in full flower, and interspersed amongst them were the sun-huts. These amazing sheds were no longer in use, and not maintained, but one of them was still able to rotate on its tracks. I can’t recall if they were hexagonal or octagonal in shape, octagonal, I think, and one side was open. I was told that in the old TB Sanatorium days, the patients would be brought out to these sun-sheds, reclining on beds. The huts would be rotated around on their tracks to catch the sun and follow it as the sun moved across the sky. I always wanted to have one of those rotating sun huts in my garden, but it was not to be, alas. But wasn’t it a wonderful, sensible idea to give the TB patients a chance to develop lots of Vitamin D!
Mundesley Hospital remains in my memory as a very happy time – I transitioned from Mundesley County Primary School to North Walsham High School for Girls, learnt how to play table tennis, frightened the life out of the inhabitants of the rabbit warren on a few occasions, and fell in love with hydrangeas.
At that time, Mundesley was a very small place. There was the hotel, miniscule victorian cottages, the post office, a couple of shops, the hairdressers, a tiny railway station, a wonderful, dark, fairy-tale-like mill (what happened to it?) and the primary school. The beach was extraordinary – huge, empty, and the waterlogged sands acted like a mirror, reflecting anyone who happened to walk there, as if they were floating in the air.
When I returned to Mundesley in late 1980’s, the place was almost unrecognisable – lots of new bungalows had sprung up – they can’t have been very old, but they already looked shabby. There were new streets, the cliffs above the beach were crammed with hundreds of holiday huts, the beach was packed full of very noisy people, it was almost as if the real Mundesley had been swallowed up. I never went back again, but occasionally I have a look on Google maps and wonder – what happened?!?
Hi, My father was a GP and worked there from 1969 to 1970 that I recall. I dont recall for how long exactly but I remember watching the moon landing and celebrating my 5th birthday so thats 1969 and 1970. Wondering if there are staff records available still. It would be interesting to know. Thanks…
Hi Anita,
Great memories. The Norwich archives have several boxes of archives – might be a good starting place
Hope that helps.
My 94 year old mother’s uncle, Dr Evan Wynne Edwards was one of the partners at the sanatorium in the thirties and she recalls playing with her cousin Veronica and jill and Dr day’s son, Christopher and his sister. Dr Day also asked mum on another visit if he could use her to compare mobility against less able patients on another project he was doing. If anyone has videos or photos we would be interested.
My father was a TB patient from 1931 (my best guess at the date). He had caught TB in India while working for a Merchant Bank, and invalided home to the UK, then admitted to the Mundesley Sanitorium. He underwent pneumothorax treatment (lung collapse) and was not allowed to speak. My mother, (before they married) visited him there, so communicated by my father writing his words for my mother to read. I recall her telling me that she “caught” the not speaking and hence often replied to his writings by writing back.. His employer eventually re-employed him in a new role.
Just discovered this page after researching into Mundesley Sanatorium as my Granny (Johanna Ellerbrook – known as Anny) stayed here for a year in the early/mid 50s for treatment for TB. She was 14 at the time and made friends here of a similar age. She now has advancing dementia, but the clarity of her memories of her time spent here is astonishingly good, she recalls things such as one of the other young girls having a boyfriend who would visit on a scooter and they would listen to it coming up to the hosp and all get excited (…and jealous hahaha)! One story she would tell as well is that one of the doctors who treated her was the same one who operated on/treated King George IV – can’t find any evidence of this, but could possibly be true, any thoughts on this? Shame that not many patient records/photographs exist nowadays…. Would love to know more about it if anyone could signpost me??
My interest in this is also clinical as I ended up studying medicine and now work in GP in Norfolk. I know many of you haven’t been active on here for a while but would mean a lot if someone could give me some further info!
Thanks, Emma 🙂
My grandad was a patient I think around 1952. Thomas Knighton. His daughter (my mum) is interested to know what happened to a huge 8’ x 10’ etching of Westminster Abbey he produced whilst convalescing there, which was subsequently displayed and floodlit in the foyer of the sanatorium. Any information or indeed photographs would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Does anyone know what happened to this hospital during the Second World War? Was it used as a military hospital or similar? It states it moved elsewhere temporarily but I’m wondering as I may have had a relative that worked there in 1939.